Soil maps for the State Soil Geographic Database (STATSGO) were
developed by the NRCS. Detailed county-level soil survey data were
generalized into state based coverages and each state edge-matched to
form a seamless nation-wide database for soils. The mapping scale for
STATSGO is 1:250,000 (with the exception of alaska, which is
1:1,000,000). The level of mapping is designed to be used for broad
planning and management covering state, regional, and multi-state areas.
STATSGO data are available for the conterminous U.S., Alaska, Hawaii,
and Puerto Rico.
This data layer was produced from the Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) boundaries developed by USGS at a scale of 1:2,000,000. The National HUC dataset was intersected with the boundary file for the 11 western states. (HUC) boundaries are a subdivision of the United States made by the USGS, to show major and minor river basins.