Conservation North Forest Plots in British Columbia

Aug 13, 2019 (Last modified Mar 26, 2021)

Ground measured forest plots targeting old growth forests in British Columbia, Canada. Data were collected in summer 2018 by Conservation North. Field data measurements were converted to carbon for trees > 12 cm DBH using allometric equations by Gladwin Joseph at Conservation Biology Institute. Carbon units are metric tons per hectare.

Raw field data tables with additional information on plot forest characteristics can be found under the "Attachments" tab for this layer.

Additional Information of carbon calculations:

For CWD:

Equations are from Marshall et al 2000. Using Line Intersect Sampling for Coarse Woody Debris (CWD). Forest Research Technical Report TR-003. Species and decay class densities are from Harmon et al. 2008. Woody Detritus Density and Density Reduction Factors for Tree Species in the US: A Synthesis General Technical Report NRS-29.

For Standing dead and live trees:

I have used the standard Smalian Formula 2011 from the Ministry of Forests Lands and NRO website to calculate total stem volumes. I used species density values for converting volume to biomass from Harmon et al. 2008. I assumed the standing dead trees had a decay class =1. The calculations are for trees >12 cm in DBH to be consistent with VRI methods.

Biomass calculations for various components:

1. Direct calculations of biomass from DBH and HT using empirically derived equations for each species across Canada. Ung et al. 2008. Canadian national biomass equations: new parameter estimates that include British Columbia data. Can. J. For.Res. 38:1123-1132

2. Below Ground biomass was calculated using equations from Matsuzaki et al. 2013. Carbon Stocks in managed and unmanaged old-growth western red cedar and western hemlock stands of Canada’s inland temperate rainforests. For. Ecol. and Mgt 297: 108-119.

Data Provided By:
Conservation Biology Institute
Content date:
not specified
Contact Organization:
Conservation Biology Institute
Contact Person(s):
  • Justin Brice
Use Constraints:
Please contact Conservation North for access to data
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Conservation Biology Institute

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