Southeast Alaska 2018

Jul 4, 2018 (Last modified Aug 10, 2020)
Uploaded by Karen Blejwas
Image shows all unique locations across all timesteps in this dataset.
Acoustic monitoring was conducted across Southeast Alaska to assess distribution of species, determine the timing of hibernation and emergence, and compare seasonal and nightly activity patterns among areas and habitats. Detectors were deployed by the Alaska Dept. of Fish & Game and maintained by ADFG, US Forest Service, NPS, and UAS biologists and local teachers and community members.
Data Provided By:
Tony Bakos, Malika Brunette, Lisa Byers, Brinnen Carter, Rich Chapell, Tory DeAngelis, Joe Delabrue, Carol Denton, Nathan Frost, Danny Green, Maddie Kombrink, Kitty LaBounty, Vanessa Lane-Miller, Benjamin Limle, Mueller, Susan Oehlers, Samantha Renner, Tory Rhoads, Phil Richards, Connor Shea, Topaz Shryock, Callie Simmons, Charlotte Westing, Jeff Williams
Content date:
not specified
Contact Organization:
Alaska Department of Fish and Game
Contact Person(s):
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Creative Commons LicenseThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
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FGDC Standard Metadata XML
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Dataset Type:
Location-Aware Spreadsheet
Conforms to Echolocation Records - 2018 Dataset Definition
By Ted Weller (Jun 6, 2018)
Time Enabled
Included in 3 Public Maps

About the Uploader

Karen Blejwas
Wildlife Biologist III with Alaska Dept. of Fish & Game

I am the regional wildlife biologist for the Threatened, Endangered and Diversity Program in Southeast Alaska. We are using acoustic monitoring to assess the distribution and seasonal activity patterns of bats in the region.