Percent sand in surface soil horizons for the contiguous USA

Sep 30, 2010 (Last modified Jun 13, 2015)
Dataset was used in a scientifically peer-reviewed publication
This set of soils data consists of bulk density, mineral depth, and three layers each of sand, clay, and rock fragment fractions. The soils data were obtained from Kern (2000), using methodology from Kern (1995) with corrected inconsistencies and gap filling from NRCS (1994).
Note: “surface” is 0-50 cm, “intermediate” is 50-150 cm, and “deep” is > 150 cm.
Data Provided By:
Kern, J. S.
Content date:
not specified
Kern, J. S. 1995. Geographic patterns of soils water-holding capacity in the contiguous United States. Soil Science Society of America 59, no. 4: 1126-1133.

Larger Works:
Conklin, David C. Simulating vegetation shifts and carbon cycling in Yosemite National Park. Ph. D. Thesis, Oregon State University (2009) Available at:

Rogers, Brendan C. Potential impacts of climate change on vegetation distributions, carbon stocks, and fire regimes in the U.S. Pacific Northwest. M.S. Thesis, Oregon State University (2009) Available at:
Spatial Resolution:
800 m
Contact Organization:
MAPSS Team, USDA Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station in Corvallis, Oregon
Contact Person(s):
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Creative Commons LicenseThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 License.
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