San Joaquin Valley - Soil Agricultural Groundwater Banking Index (SAGBI), 2015

Mar 30, 2017 (Last modified May 15, 2023)
Dataset was scientifically peer reviewed
The Soil Agricultural Groundwater Banking Index (SAGBI) is a suitability index for groundwater recharge on agricultural land. The SAGBI is based on five major factors that are critical to successful agricultural groundwater banking: deep percolation, root zone residence time, topography, chemical limitations, and soil surface condition. More details can be found in the SAGBI article in California Agriculture.

The map shown is the modified overlay (which is theoretical); it shows suitability groups when assuming that all soils with restrictive layers have been modified by deep tillage.
Data Provided By:
A.T. O'Geen, UC Cooperative Extension
Matthew B.B. Saal, UC Davis
Helen E. Dahlke, UC Davis
David A. Doll, UC Cooperative Extension
Rachel B. Elkins, UC Cooperative Extension
Allan Fulton, UC Cooperative Extension
Graham E. Fogg, UC Davis
Thomas Harter, UC Cooperative Extension, UC Davis
Jan W. Hopmans, UC Davis
Chuck Ingels, UC Cooperative Extension
Franz J. Niederholzer, UC Cooperative Extension
Samuel Sandoval Solis, UC Cooperative Extension, UC Davis
Paul S. Verdegaal, UC Cooperative Extension
Mike Walkinshaw, UC Davis
Content date:
not specified
O'Geen A, Saal M, Dahlke H, Doll D, Elkins R, Fulton A, Fogg G, Harter T, Hopmans J, Ingels C, Niederholzer F, Solis S, Verdegaal P, Walkinshaw M. 2015. Soil suitability index identifies potential areas for groundwater banking on agricultural lands. Cal Ag 69(2):75-84. DOI: 10.3733/ca.v069n02p75.
Contact Organization:
Anthony O'Geen UC Davis
Please contact Anthony O'Geen directly if you would like to download this data:
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Creative Commons LicenseThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
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