Ecoregions of Alaska and Neighboring Territory

Apr 13, 2010
Major ecosystems have been mapped and described for the State of Alaska and nearby areas. Ecoregion units are based on newly available datasets and field experience of ecologists, biologists, geologists and regional experts. Recently derived datasets for Alaska included climate parameters, vegetation, surficial geology and topography. Additional datasets incorporated in the mapping process were lithology, soils, permafrost, hydrography, fire regime and glaciation. Thirty two units are mapped using a combination of the approaches of Bailey (hierarchial), and Omernick (integrated). The ecoregions are grouped into two higher levels using a tri-archy-based on climate parameters, vegetation response and disturbance processes. The ecoregions are described with text, photos and tables on the published map.
Data Provided By:
USGS - Greg Nowacki, Page Spencer, Terry Brock, Michael Fleming, Torre Jorgenson
Content date:
not specified
Title: Ecoregions of Alaska and Neighboring Territory
Credits: USGS - Greg Nowacki, Page Spencer, Terry Brock, Michael Fleming, Torre Jorgenson
Publication Date: 2001
Publisher: USGS, USEPA
Online Linkages: Other Citation Info: Gallant, A.L.; Binnian, E.F.; Omernik, J.M.; and Shasby, M.B. 1995. Ecoregions of Alaska. U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1567, 73p.
Contact Organization:
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Creative Commons LicenseThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
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Included in 6 Public Maps , 1 Private Map

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