Mangrove forests: current and future distribution and abundance in the southeastern U.S.

Aug 8, 2013 (Last modified Feb 16, 2019)
Uploaded by Nicholas Enwright
Dataset was used in a scientifically peer-reviewed publication

These datasets are from an article published in Global Change Biology entitled “Winter Climate Change and Coastal Wetland Foundation Species- Salt Marshes vs. Mangrove Forests in the Southeastern U.S.” by Osland et al. (2013). Salt marshes and mangrove forests provide many important ecosystem goods and services. In addition to supporting important fish and wildlife habitat, these highly productive ecosystems improve water quality, store carbon, subsidize coastal fisheries, protect coastlines, and provide recreational opportunities. In this study, Osland et al. developed simple winter climate-based models to predict mangrove forest distribution and relative abundance using observed winter temperature data (1970-2000) and mangrove forest and salt marsh habitat data. Their results identify winter climate thresholds for salt marsh-mangrove forest interactions and highlight coastal areas in the southeastern U.S. (e.g., Texas, Louisiana, and parts of Florida) where relatively small changes in the intensity and frequency of extreme winter events could cause relatively dramatic landscape-scale ecosystem structural and functional change in the form of poleward mangrove forest migration and salt marsh displacement. The ecological implications of these marsh-to-mangrove forest conversions are poorly understood but would likely include changes for associated fish and wildlife populations and for the supply of some ecosystem goods and services.

More detailed information on these dataset is available in Osland et al. (2013).

Data Provided By:
We thank Mary Ellison for her assistance and contributions during the early stages of this research. We are grateful to Dave Blodgett, Adam Terando, and the USGS Center for Integrated Data Analytics for their help accessing climate data. Adam Terando, Lydia Stefanova, Carole McIvor, and three anonymous reviewers provided valuable comments on an earlier draft of this manuscript. For their support, we thank Greg Wathen, John Tirpak, Gregg Elliot, and Laurie Rounds of the Gulf Coastal Plains and Ozarks Landscape Conservation Cooperative. This research was funded by the USGS Climate and Land Use Change Program. Any use of trade, product, or firm names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the US Government.
Content date:
not specified
Osland, M. J., Enwright, N., Day, R. H. and Doyle, T. W. (2013), Winter climate change and coastal wetland foundation species: salt marshes vs. mangrove forests in the southeastern United States. Global Change Biology, 19: 1482–1494. doi: 10.1111/gcb.12126
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About the Uploader

Nicholas Enwright
Geographer with U.S. Geological Survey, National Wetlands Research Center

Geographer at the U.S. Geological Survey National Wetlands Research Center in Lafayette, Louisiana. My projects have included mapping marsh salinity types along the mid and upper Texas coastline, developing a tool for mapping winter seasonal surface water for waterfowl habitat analysis and mapping...