Terrestrial Connectivity - ACE [ds2734]

Feb 7, 2020 (Last modified Aug 5, 2020)
For more information, see the Terrestrial Connectivity Factsheet.

The California Department of Fish and Wildlifes (CDFW) Areas of Conservation Emphasis (ACE) is a compilation and analysis of the best-available statewide spatial information in California on biodiversity, rarity and endemism, harvested species, significant habitats, connectivity and wildlife movement, climate vulnerability, climate refugia, and other relevant data (e.g., other conservation priorities such as those identified in the State Wildlife Action Plan (SWAP), stressors, land ownership). ACE addresses both terrestrial and aquatic data. The ACE model combines and analyzes terrestrial information in a 2.5 square mile hexagon grid and aquatic information at the HUC12 watershed level across the state to produce a series of maps for use in non-regulatory evaluation of conservation priorities in California. The model addresses as many of CDFW's statewide conservation and recreational mandates as feasible using high quality data sources. High value areas statewide and in each USDA Ecoregion were identified. The ACE maps and data can be viewed in the ACE online map viewer, or downloaded for use in ArcGIS. For more detailed information see https://www.wildlife.ca.gov/Data/Analysis/ACE
Data Provided By:
California Department of Fish and Wildlife
Content date:
not specified
Contact Organization:
California Department of Fish and Wildlife
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Creative Commons LicenseThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
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Downloaded by 1 Member
Bookmarked by 1 Member , 4 Groups
Included in 6 Public Maps , 41 Private Maps
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