Southern California (USA) Forest Service (USFS) Critical Biological Areas

May 21, 2010
This dataset depicts critical biological areas, which include the most important areas on the Southern California National Forests to manage for the protection of species-at-risk. Facilities are minimal to discourage human use. The level of human use and infrastructure is low to moderate. Wildland/Urban Interface Threat Zones may occur in this zone. Community protection vegetation treatments within the Critical Biological land use zone may occur by exception. In these cases, managers will consider species and habitat needs. The management intent is to retain the natural character and habitat characteristics in this zone and limit the level of human development to manage for protection of species-at-risk. Activities and modification to existing infrastructure are allowed if they are beneficial or neutral to the species for which the zone was primarily designated. Human uses are more restricted in this zone than in Back Country Non-Motorized zones in order to protect species needs, but are not excluded. Low impact uses, such as hiking, mountain biking and hunting are generally allowed. Motorized use of existing National Forest System roads is allowed. Approximately .2 percent of the National Forest System and non-system roads are found in this zone, including three miles of unclassified road. Road density will not be increased and may be decreased as a result of species protection requirements.
Data Provided By:
USDA Forest Service, Southern California Forest Plan Revision Team
Content date:
Title: Southern California (USA) Forest Service (USFS) Critical Biological Areas
Credits: USDA Forest Service, Southern California Forest Plan Revision Team
Publication Date: September, 2005
Publisher: USDA Forest Service, Southern California Forest Plan Revision Team
Online Linkages:
Contact Organization:
USDA Forest Service - Cleveland National Forest
Contact Person(s):
  • Tom White
Use Constraints:
Creative Commons LicenseThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
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