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This dataset contains 8 layers showing current and predicted
ranges of western larch (Larix occidentalis
). One layer demonstrates range according to current climate
conditions averaged from the period 1950-1975. Six layers model predicted ranges according to two different IPCC
scenarios according to their Canadian Climate Centre modeling and Analysis
(CCCma) third generation general correlation models (CGCM3) A2 and B1, in the
years 2020, 2050, and 2080. An 8th layer shows a continuous model of
predicted occurrence for the period 1975-2006.
Data Provided By:
Nicholas C. Coops, Richard H. Waring, Clayton Beier, Raphael-Roy-Jauvin
& Tongli Wang
Content date:
not specified
Coops, N. C., Waring, R. H., Beier, C., Roy-Jauvin, R.,
Wang, T. 2011. Modeling the occurrence of 15 tree species throughout the
Pacific Northwest of North America using a hybrid approach of a generic
process-based growth model and decision tree analysis. Applied Vegetation Science: 1-13.
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