Pacific fisher core use areas Klamath region of CA and OR were derived from the CBI Maxent relative habitat suitability model created in 2013 for the USFWS listing evaluation. Areas with high burn severity (2000-2015, MTBS) and clearcuts (2000-2014, LANDFIRE) post-model vegetation data (NBCD 2000/LANDSAT 2000/LANDFIRE 2008) were converted to 0, then smoothed using the focal mean with a 10 km2 circular moving window. Values in the smoothed layer greater than or equal to the Maxent-provided equal training sensitivity and specificity threshold (average of the values for the 2 regional models, 0.4885) were extracted and areas of open water and perennial lake/ponds (NHD Waterbody) were assigned a suitability value of 0. The resulting suitable habitat grid was converted to polygon format. Polygons with area < approximately 5 female home ranges (38.75 km2, based on analyses of SNAMP and KRFP telemetry data by R. Sweitzer and C. Thompson) were removed.
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