This raster dataset was created from the values in the POPDEN10 field in the Block Level Housing Density Change 1990-2010 vector dataset, which was created by the SILVIS Lab, Dept of Forest & Wildlife Ecology, University of Wisconsin-Madison. Original metadata below:
Using geographic information systems (GIS), we mapped housing and population counts from the 1990, 2000, and 2010 decennial U.S. Census Data at block group level geography to produce spatially explicit datasets for the conterminous U.S..Then using (1) 1990-2000 and (2) 2000-2010 Census Bureau relationship tables, we allocated 1990 and 2000 housing and population units to 2010 census blocks based on the type of spatial relationship between blocks: (a) 1-to-1, (b) 1-to-many, (c) many-to-1, (d) many-to-many. The end result is 2010 census blocks (polygons) with housing and population units allocated from 1990 and 2000.Lastly, we overlaid the housing change data with the Protected Areas Dataset (PAD version 2.1) to split census block groups into privately and publicly owned sub-blocks, thereby creating a map that more accurately locates where people and houses exist in space. This data is useful within a GIS for mapping and analysis at national, state, and local levels.
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