Siskiyou National Forest (Oregon, USA) - Wildland Urban Interface Areas

May 9, 2010
This dataset depicts wildland urban interface (WUI) areas on the Siskiyou National Forest and nearby areas. The initial step in fire plan development was defining the Fire Planning Unit (FPU) boundary. This was determined by the planning team to consist of the boundaries of the Medford and Coos Bay BLM Districts, and the Rogue River and Siskiyou National Forests (Map 1). Within the Siskiyou National Forest Boundary is the Oregon Caves National Monument, administered by the National Park Service. Within the Medford BLM boundary is the Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument, administered by Medford BLM. Every attempt was made to conform the actual Fire Planning Unit boundary to 5th field HUCs where possible, and where this was not appropriate, the FPU was expanded from the management unit boundaries to a lesser watershed break, ridgeline, road, or some other logical feature where it made sense from a fire response perspective. The Fire Planning Unit was, however, truncated at the edges of the four major management unit boundaries listed above to avoid overlap with other Fire Planning Units to the north, east, and south. Some small areas of other management units occur inside the Southwest Oregon FPU. These include the Siuslaw National Forest inholdings at the north end of the Coos Bay BLM District, and the Klamath National Forest at the south end of the Medford BLM District. Every effort was made to obtain the same datasets for these areas when possible so as to have continuous data layers in all analyses, including workload polygon valuation. The agencies directly involved in the SW Oregon FPU include: Federal: * Medford BLM District * Coos Bay BLM District * Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forests * National Park Service State and Private Lands: * Oregon Department of Forestry SW Oregon Fire Protection District * Coos Forest Protection Association * Douglas Forest Protection Association * Small portions of the Western Lane and Klamath Fire Protection Districts
Data Provided By:
Siskiyou National Forest
Content date:
not specified
Title: Siskiyou National Forest (Oregon, USA) - Wildland Urban Interface Areas
Credits: Siskiyou National Forest
Publication Date: 2003
Publisher: Siskiyou National Forest
Contact Organization:
Rogue River - Siskiyou National Forest
Contact Person(s):
  • Annette Parsons
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Creative Commons LicenseThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
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Bookmarked by 3 Members
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