This dataset portrays 11 forest group types across the
southeastern United States. These data were derived from a product created by
the USFS Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) program and the Remote Sensing
Applications Center (RSAC). The original
dataset (accessible from the
US Forest Service Website)
consists of 28 forest type groups across the contiguous United States.
The original dataset was downloaded on 12/13/2013, clipped
to the southeastern states, and used in a
generalization procedure which involved the application of a majority filter (8
neighbors, half replacement threshold) followed by a sieving process which
removed pixels in groups of four or less by reassigning them to their nearest
neighbor value.
Original description of the USFS FIA Dataset:
This dataset portrays 28 forest type groups across the contiguous United
States. These data were derived from MODIS composite images from the
2002 and 2003 growing seasons in combination with nearly 100 other
geospatial data layers, including elevation, slope, aspect, ecoregions,
and PRISM climate data.
The dataset was developed as a collaborative effort
between the USFS Forest Inventory and Analysis and Forest Health
Monitoring programs and the USFS Remote Sensing Applications Center.
The purpose of this dataset is to portray broad distribution patterns of
forest cover in the United States and provide input to national scale
modeling projects. The data should not be displayed at scales smaller
than 1:2,000,000. Independent accuracy assessments were conducted using
a 10% holdout of the training data, and are available through the data
source contact.
Complete metadata is available on the
USFS website in HTML format.