USDA Ecoregion Sections, California

Jan 19, 2016 (Last modified Feb 16, 2016)
This layer contains polygon features of Ecological Units for the state of California as described by ECOMAP (1993) "... mapped based on associations of those biotic and environmental factors that directly affect or indirectly express energy, moisture, and nutrient gradients which regulate the structure and function of ecosystems. These factors include climate, physiography, water, soils, air, hydrology, and potential natural communities."

These divisions were first created by Bailey in 1976 and have been updated since. This dataset is the 2007 (Goudey) version.

This version of the ecoregion subsections was used by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife for their Areas of Conservation Emphasis work and their Wildlife Action Plan ( &

Complete metadata can be found here:
The original data can be downloaded in full here:
Data Provided By:
Goudey, C.B., and D.W. Smith, eds. 1994. 

Updated with ECOMAP 2007: Cleland, D.T.; Freeouf, J.A.; Keys, J.E., Jr.; Nowacki, G.J.; Carpenter, C; McNab, W.H. 2007. Ecological Subregions: Sections and Subsections of the Conterminous United States [1:3,500,000] [CD-ROM]. Sloan, A.M., cartog. Gen. Tech. Report WO-76. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service.
Content date:
see Supplemental Infomation Section
Contact Organization:
USDA Forest Service - Pacific Southwest Region - Remote Sensing Lab
Contact Person(s):
Use Constraints:
Not recommended for use at scales greater than 1:24000
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FGDC Standard Metadata XML
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Original Metadata XML
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Downloaded by 99 Members
Bookmarked by 4 Members , 6 Groups
Included in 32 Public Maps , 38 Private Maps
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