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This dataset depicts oil and gas wells in the state of Alaska, according
to information retrieved from the Alaska Department of Natural Resources
- Division of Oil and Gas in 2008. Note that not all wells contained
within this dataset are active; refer to the attributes to determine the
current status of the well. The underlying dataset was retrieved by the
Conservation Biology Institute from a table of well data from the Alaska
Division of Oil and Gas. The tabular data was processed into GIS format
using coordinate information stored within the table. Due to
limitations of the precision with which the locations of the wells is
recorded within the table retrieved from the Department of Oil and Gas,
the locations depicted in this dataset should be treated as approximate.
Data Provided By:
Alaska Department of Natural Resources - Division of Oil and Gas as compiled by the Conservation Biology Institute
Content date:
not specified
Title: Alaska Oil and Gas Wells Credits: Alaska Department of Natural Resources - Division of Oil and Gas as compiled by the Conservation Biology Institute Publication Date: 4/22/2008 Publisher: Alaska Department of Natural Resources - Division of Oil and Gas, Conservation Biology Institute Online Linkages:
Other Citation Info: This dataset was developed from tabular well data retrieved from the Alaska Department of Natural Resources - Division ( 4/2008. Fields were dropped or renamed to fit the constraints of the DBF format.
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