This dataset represents project planning areas from the
Northern Great Basin Fire and Invasives Assessment Tool (FIAT).
Fire and Invasives Assessment Tool (FIAT) is a standardized agency
assessment protocol that incorporates Resistance and Resilience concepts
as committed to in the Greater Sage-Grouse Land Use Plan Amendments.
The process looked at contributing factors to the loss of Sage-Grouse
habitat including wildfire, conifer expansion, and invasive annual
The published FIAT assessments, data layers, and maps
can be found in this portal. Use the search box to the right to find
FIAT products or use the keyword "FIAT" on the Search All or Browse All
pages list above.
FIAT Step 2 - is an assessment of addressing the threats of wildfire, invasive annual grass and conifer expansion through the four management strategies: Habitat restoration, Fuels management, Fire operations and Post fire rehab. This assessment will help quantify future plan actions by the BLM to inform the US Fish and Wildlife Services Sage Grouse listing decision in 2015.Potential Treatment areas are a local management unit within or near the 75 percent Breeding Bird Density to consider the implementation of one or more of the management strategies: Habitat restoration, Fuels management, Fire operations and Post fire rehab.