This dataset displays site index for PCT/CT second growth forest suitable for harvest within USFS-operable roaded areas on the Craig, Petersburg, Thorne Bay, Wrangell and Ketchikan-Misty Ranger Districts of the Tongass National Forest.
Site index (the number of meters trees would be expected to grow in 50 years) is based on the "Transboundary Site Index Mapping" dataset, by Audubon Alaska (published 5/22/2012). Further information about this dataset can be found at the SE Alaska GIS Library website:
The Conservation Biology Institute determined site index for areas identified based on criteria specified by Mater Engineering and NRDC:
Areas within 800 feet of USFS-operable roads where 1. commercial and precommercial thinning have previously taken place 2. on acreage suitable for timber harvest with less than 72% slope (based on prior Forest Service analysis) 3. with null suitability values removed, 4. karst formations removed, 5. potential habitat conservation areas removed using Land Use Designations (“DESCRIPTION” = ‘Old Growth Habitat’), and 6. roadless areas removed (“CATEGORY” = '1B' or '1C').
USFS-operable roads meet the following criteria:
Route status = existing
Jurisdiction = Forest Service
System = NFSR
Oper_Maint_Level of “2” and above, which excludes roads assigned “ 1 – Basic Custodial Care (Closed)”.
Note, commercially thinned areas, i.e. CT, aren't shown in the legend because these are believed to be PCT areas that were mis-categorized in the input dataset.