Thomas Fire Soil Burn Severity

May 15, 2018 (Last modified Jan 29, 2019)
This is the final Soil Burn Severity (SBS) dataset for the Thomas fire, occuring on the Los Padres National Forest in California. The final SBS is based on a preliminary Burned Area Reflectance

Classification (BARC) product which has been field-validated and modified by a U.S. Forest Service Burned Area Emergency Response (BAER) team. The BARC dataset is produced by first creating a Normalized Burn Ratio for both a pre and post-fire Sentinel 2 image and then differencing the two into a dNBR. The dNBR image attempts to portray the variation of burn severity within a fire. The severity rating is based upon a composite of the severity to the understory (grass, shrub layers), midstory trees and overstory trees. Because there is often a strong correlation between canopy consumption and soil effects, this algorithm works in many cases for BAER teams whose objective is a soil burn severity assessment. It is not, however, appropriate in all ecosystems or fires.

To see this layer for the Whittier Fire, click here.
Data Provided By:
USDA Forest Service, Geospatial Technology and Applications Center, BAER Imagery Support Program
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