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Section 303(d) of the 1972 Federal Clean Water Act requires states to identify waterbodies that do not meet water quality objectives and are not supporting their beneficial uses. Each state must submit an updated list, called the 303(d) list, to the U.S. EPA every two years. In addition to identifying the waterbodies that are not supporting beneficial uses, the list also identifies the pollutant or stressor causing impairment, and establishes a priority for developing a control plan to address the impairment. The list also identifies waterbodies where 1) a TMDL has been approved by U.S. EPA and an implementation is available, but water quality standards are not yet met, and 2) waterbodies where the water quality problem is being addressed by an action other than a TMDL and water quality standards are not yet met.
Data Provided By:
Regional Water Quality Control Board and State Water Quality
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