California Rangeland vegetation types (WHR13NAME) extracted by querying the FRAP vegetation data (2015) in a similar fashion to what has been done by the California Rangeland Research and Information Center (UC Cooperative/UC Davis). The WHR classes extracted can be found at this url ( and below:
Vegetation Type / WHR Code
Alpine-Dwarf Shrub ADS
Annual Grassland AGS
Alkali Desert Scrub ASC
Bitterbrush BBR
Blue Oak-Foothill Pine BOP
Blue Oak Woodland BOW
Coast Oak Woodland COW
Chamise-Redshank Chaparral CRC
Coastal Scrub CSC
Desert Riparian DRI
Desert Scrub DSC
Desert Succulent Shrub DSS
Desert Wash DSW
Joshua Tree JST
Juniper JUN
Low Sage LSG
Mixed Chaparral MCH
Montane Chaparral MCP
Montane Riparian MRI
Perennial Grassland PGS
Pinyon-Juniper PJN
Palm Oasis POS
Sagebrush SGB
Valley Oak Woodland VOW
Valley-Foothill Riparian VRI
Wet Meadow WTM