US Forest Service Administrative Forest Boundaries

Feb 26, 2013 (Last modified Apr 12, 2019)
A map service on the www depicting all the National Forest System lands administered by an unit. These areas encompasse private lands, other governmental agency lands, and may contain National Forest System lands within the proclaimed boundaries of another administrative unit. All National Forest System lands fall within one and only one Administrative Forest Area. This map service provides display, identification, and analysis tools for determining current boundary information for Forest Service managers, GIS Specialists, and others. This map service is symbolized with a light green fill and a darker green outline. Labeling for each administrative unit starts at 1:10,000,000.

Best available source with a target scale of 1:24000 for Continental U.S., Puerto Rico, and Hawaii and 1:63360 for Alaska. The map consists of two layers that display at different scale levels. The National Extent layer is using a generalized feature class designed for fast display at small scales while the Regional Extent layer is using a non-generalized feature class for display at larger scales. Labels are turned off for all scales. At small scales, administrative forest units are symoblized with a green outline and light green fill. At large scales the administrative forest units are symbolized with a dark green outline and no fill symbol.
Data Provided By:
US Forest Service Enterprise Map Services Program
Map Service URL:
Content date:
not specified
Contact Organization:
not specified
Contact Person(s):
not specified
Use Constraints:
US Forest Service Enerprise Map Services Program
Layer Type:
Currently Visible Layer:
All Layer Options:
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Spatial Resolution:
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Time Period:
Layer Accuracy:
Attribute Accuracy:
FGDC Standard Metadata XML
Click here to see the full FGDC XML file that was created in Data Basin for this layer.
Original Metadata XML
Click here to see the full XML file that was originally uploaded with this layer.
This dataset is visible to everyone
Dataset Type:
External Map Service (ArcGIS)
Bookmarked by 1 Member , 4 Groups
Included in 3 Public Maps , 7 Private Maps
Included in 2 Public Galleries

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Conservation Biology Institute

We provide advanced conservation science, technology, and planning to empower our partners in solving the world’s critical ecological challenges