The ecologically-relevant geophysical (ERGo) landforms dataset is a comprehensive classification of landforms based on hillslope position and dominant physical processes that covers most of North America. Four hillslope positions form a natural sequence of topographic units along the catena: ridges/peaks (summits), upper slopes (shoulders), lower slopes (foot slopes), and valley bottoms (toe slopes). The position within each of these hillslopes as a function of solar orientation to reflect how ecological processes (especially soil moisture and evapotranspiration) are influenced by insolation. Also included are very flat (i.e. areas 50°). We provide these data here at 30 m resolution, grouped by Landscape Conservation Cooperative boundaries. For a more detailed description, please refer to: Theobald DM, Harrison-Atlas D, Monahan WB, Albano CM. 2015. Ecologically-relevant maps of landforms and physiographic diversity for climate adaptation planning. PLOS ONE.