USDA Forest to Faucets: Insect and Disease Threat to Forests Important to Surface Drinking Water

Sep 29, 2016 (Last modified Nov 13, 2018)
Uploaded by Ian Johnson
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The USDA Forest Service Forests to Faucets project uses GIS to model and map the continental United States land areas most important to surface drinking water, the role forests play in protecting these areas, and the extent to which these forests are threatened by development, insects and disease, and wildland fire.

The Forest to Faucets dataset provides a watershed index of surface drinking water importance, a watershed index of forest importance to surface drinking water, and a watershed index to highlight the extent to which development, fire, and insects and disease threaten forests important for surface drinking water. 

The dataset displayed here displays the watershed index of surface drinking importance. 

For more information on this dataset, please visit:

AppLCC's Ecosystem Services Conservation Atlas | Invasive Species and Forest Pathogens
Data Provided By:
USDA Forest Service
USDA Forest Service's EFETAC
UNC Asheville's NEMAC
Data Hosted by:
ScienceBase (USGS) View Record
Map Service URL:
Content date:
USDA Forest Service, Forests to Faucets
Spatial Resolution:
EPSG: 4326
Contact Organization:
Ecosystem Services & Markets,
USDA Forest Service, Cooperative ForestryWashington, DC
Contact Person(s):
not specified
Use Constraints:
Creative Commons LicenseThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
Layer Type:
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FGDC Standard Metadata XML
Click here to see the full FGDC XML file that was created in Data Basin for this layer.
Original Metadata XML
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Dataset Type:
External Map Service (ArcGIS)
Bookmarked by 1 Group
Included in 1 Public Gallery

About the Uploader

Ian Johnson
Geospatial Analyst with NEMAC

Geospatial Analyst at UNC Asheville's NEMAC