Historical and recent survey data for Olympic mudminnow (Novumbra hubbsi) were compiled from published and contributed data sources from 1933 - 2020. Survey data were used to generate a species distribution model (i.e., habitat suitability model) using the methods and protocols outlined in Kuehne et al. (2022).
The historical and recent survey shapefile includes repeated sampling conducted in locations, and attribute data with the detection status at that time. Other attributes are included that would allow referencing the survey data in the original data source, if needed. Most of the compiled data sources are published or otherwise publicly available; copies can also be requested from the dataset authors.
The species distribution model or habitat suitability model is included as a high-resolution raster. It is the median habitat suitability created using ensemble modeling, as described in Kuehne et al. (In Press).
A complete repository of Olympic mudminnow publications, including many data sources used in this effort is available