ODFW Western Oregon Deer & Elk Habitat

Oct 26, 2017

Generally, deer and elk need habitat which provides a combination of food, water, and security to survive and reproduce. Abundance, distribution, and connectivity of these habitats are crucial to species survival and may vary seasonally depending on a specific species dependence on migratory or non-migratory behavior to fulfill life history requirements. Habitats supporting Black-tailed deer exhibiting a predominately migratory life history are subdivided into Summer Concentration Habitat and Winter Concentration Habitat. Habitats supporting Black-tailed deer and Elk exhibiting a predominately non-migratory life history are subdivided into Year-around Major Habitat and Year-round.


Peripheral Habitat . A reas where the presence of deer and elk are considered in conflict with primary land uses are described as Impacted Areas. Specific deer and elk habitat descriptions are as follows:

Winter Concentration Area: Winter seasonal concentration areas include areas identified and mapped as providing essential and limited functions and values (e.g. thermal cover, security from predation and harassment, forage quantity, adequate nutritional quality, escape from disturbance, etc.) for concentrated migratory deer or elk typically from November through April.

Summer Concentration Area: Summer seasonal concentration areas include areas identified and mapped as providing essential and limited functions and values (e.g., thermal cover, security from predation and harassment, forage quantity, adequate nutritional quality, calving and fawning areas, etc.) for concentrated migratory deer or elk typically from May through October.

Year-round Major Habitat: Year-round major habitat includes areas identified and mapped as providing essential functions and values (e.g., thermal cover, security from predation and harassment, forage quantity, adequate nutritional quality, calving and fawning areas, etc.) for non-migratory deer or elk. However, these habitats are not limited on a physiographic basis.

Year-round Peripheral Habitat: Year-round peripheral habitat includes areas identified and mapped as providing important functions and values (e.g. cover, forage, etc.) for deer or elk. However, these habitats typically do not provide essential functions and values and are occasionally subject to land owner actions to discourage deer and elk use but are not identified as deer or elk de-emphasis areas.

Impacted Area: Impacted areas include areas identified and mapped subject to anthropogenic development such as areas within urban growth boundaries, city limits, otherwise determined to be less suitable habitat for deer or elk because of conflicts with proximity to humans, disease, damage, or public nuisance resulting from use by local or resident deer or elk. Although these areas may support substantial numbers of deer or elk, traditional proactive management actions are often not possible and/or ineffective due to local ordinances and proximity to people.

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This data has been compiled for the use of ODFW employees only. County winter range is the property of its respective county and any data sharing rules apply in regards to third party distribution.
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