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Data layers show the projected change summer (July-September) evapotranspiration. Data layers show the projected change in
evapotranspiration (in percent, relative to historical conditions, 1970-1999) for 3 global
models. Two time periods are
considered: the 2050s (2040-2069) and the 2080s (2070-2099), and three
models are considered: a high (CanESM2), median (CNRM-CM5), and low
under a high emissions scenario (RCP 8.5). Projected changes in summer
evapotranspiration are depicted by the teal to brown shading.
Layers in this dataset are based on combinations of the following options.
You may choose from these options to select a specific layer on the map page.
Research Scientist with Climate Impacts Group, University of Washington
I help decision-makers manage climate change risks to biodiversity and natural resources by collaboratively conducting innovative, rigorous, and useful research around climate impacts assessment and adaptation planning.