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dataset contains the Canadian Hydrographic Units (CHU) for the Northern
Appalachian–Acadian Region of Canada and cross-border watersheds of the United
States. The CHU layer is a nested watershed classification system that divides
and subdivides regions into six successively smaller hydrologic units, each of
which is identified by a unique code.
Data Provided By:
Nature Conservancy of Canada. (2019). Canadian Hydrographic Units for
the Northern Appalachian–Acadian Region of Canada [Vector Digital Data:
NCC_CHU_2019.shp]. Atlantic Regional Office. Fredericton, New Brunswick.
Content date:
March, 2019
Noseworthy, J., Millar, W. & Nussey, P. (2019). An Aquatic
Connectivity Tool for the Northern Appalachian–Acadian Region of Canada. Nature
Conservancy of Canada, Atlantic Regional Office. Fredericton, New Brunswick.
Layers in this dataset are based on combinations of the following options.
You may choose from these options to select a specific layer on the map page.
The Nature Conservancy of Canada leads and inspires others to join us in creating a legacy for future generations by conserving important natural areas and biological diversity across all regions of Canada.