State Responsibility Areas for Fire Protection (SRA)

Jun 16, 2014 (Last modified Jun 20, 2015)
This dataset (sra13_2) represents SRA status as of 7/1/13 and was used for the final determination of which parcels were potentially eligible for the fee.The initial determination of SRA status as of 7/1/13 (SRA13_1) was compared to county assessor roll files to determine if any SRA parcels are actually federally owned or part of an incorporated city. This resulted in numerous parcels changing status, particularly in;San Diego County (expansion of the San Diego National Wildlife Refuge, other federal changes)Riverside County: BLM and Forest Service additionsLos Angeles: miscellaneous BLM, Forest Service, NPS, and other federal acquisitionsIn addition, SRA13_2 includes numerous error fixes, some of which add SRA that was erroneously classified as FRA. For example, much of Kyburz in Eldorado County had been mistakenly classifed as FRA, this error has been corrected.Also, we were able to acquire Orange County parcel data from the County, rather than the vendor data we used in the past. We snapped SRA boundaries to these new county parcels. This resulted in minor adjustments of SRA boundaries.Finally, starting with this version we decided to use a different approach for the southeast desert area (parts of Imperial, Riverside, and San Bernardino counties) where CAL FIRE has no protection responsibilities. We used federal protection areas from DPA data (DPA13_3) to define FRA boundaries in the desert. Since maintaining boundaries in the desert has not been a CAL FIRE priority, we assumed that our federal DPA cooperators were doing a better job of this in the desert as part of DPA maintenance efforts.
Data Provided By:
CAL FIRE - Numerous federal agencies have provided data that help to identify FRA lands (BLM, U.S. Forest Service, National Park Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Indian Affairs)
Content date:
not specified

The user will cite the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection as the original source of the data, but will clearly denote cases where the original data have been altered, updated, or in any way changed from the original condition.
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Creative Commons LicenseThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
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