Jaguars in the New Millennium Data Set Update: The State of the Jaguar in 2006.

May 19, 2011
Uploaded by GIS Panthera
The Jaguars in the New Millennium Data Set is a geographically-based priority setting exercise for jaguars throughout their range. The Wildlife Conservation Society, with the help of 35 jaguar experts from throuhgout this great cat's range, created the first data set in 1999. The Wildlife Conservaiton Society updated this data set in 2006 with the help of 89 jaguar experts. The experts were surveyed to assess the state of knowledge about the ecology, distribution, and conservation status of the jaguar, to identify priority areas for is conservation on a range-wide basis, and to build an international consensus for the conservation of the species.
Data Provided By:
Kathy Zeller, Widlife Conservation Society
Content date:
not specified
Contact Organization:
Wildlife Conservation Society
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Use Constraints:
If used, please cite: Zeller, Kathy. 2007. Jaguars in the New Millennium Data Set Update: The State of the Jaguar in 2006. WCS Report. Wildlife Conservation Society, New York. 1-82.
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GIS Panthera
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