Arid Lands Initiative Spatial Conservation Priorities in the Columbia Plateau Ecoregion

May 31, 2017
Uploaded by Tom Miewald

Priority areas were identified using criteria from a conservation action planning process completed by the Arid Lands Initiative (ALI). The results provide a spatial design of priority areas that best met ALI goals and objectives. Marxan, a landscape conservation planning tool, identified a portfolio of sites that could protect a suite of target habitats and species.

The ALI Priority Core Areas (PCAs) were ranked by their contributions to under-represented targets by the following approach:

  1. Protected Areas were defined by 4 options:

    • GAP 1 and 2;

    • GAP 1-3;

    • GAP 1-4 non-tribal;

    • GAP 1-4 including tribal).

  2. The percent of target occurrences within the protected areas was calculated*;

  3. If the percent of target occurrences within protected areas was less than the medium overall goal level for that target, that target was considered under-represented;

  4. The the percent of each under-represented target occurring in each ALI priority core area (PCA) (these are non-contiguous polygons from Marxan solution) was calculated;

  5. For each PCA, the percentages of under-represented targets occurring were summed. Then, to normalize by PCA size, that sum was divided by the number of hexes in the PCA. The resulting number is an index of the contribution that the PCA makes to under-represented targets;

  6. PCAs were mapped based on this index. A quantile classification was used, meaning that there is an equal number of PCAs in each category. The bottom fifth are "low," the top fifth are "High", etc.

* In step 2, to save considerable time, the protected acreage was calculated using the Marxan hexagon database. For each 500-acre hex, acreages for the various GAP codes and all the targets were known. A hex was considered protected at Gap level 1 if at least half of it (250 acres) had that status. If this was the case, then all the targets with that hex were considered "protected." This introduces some error, because the target and the protected areas were not necessarily overlapping within the hex. In some cases, targets might be considered protected when they actually do not overlap GAP lands; in other cases, they might be counted as unprotected when they actually are. We assumed that the errors work in both directions and there are 42,000 hexes, so not much bias resulted overall.

Data Provided By:
USFWS / SAH Ecologia
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The Arid Lands Initiative (ALI) produced these data which represent a regional analysis that portrays conditions at a regional scale. Applying these data at finer, more local scales is likely to increase uncertainty in terms of accuracy and applicability for local land use decisions. However, for the scale at which they were developed, these products are state-of-the-art habitat conservation prioritization networks. The ALI expended great effort to compile the best GIS data within constraints imposed by data development costs, available compilation sources, and available staff resources. Inherent in any dataset used to develop graphical representations, are limitations of accuracy as determined by, among others, the source, scale and resolution of the data. The products and data from this analysis convey a wealth of information relevant to conservation of Washington's wildlife and though they represent the state of the art, they rely on imperfect data, knowledge, and assumptions. We strongly suggest that readers thoroughly understand our methods and the limitations of those methods prior to applying our results (available at ttps://
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About the Uploader

Tom Miewald
Geographer/Conservation Planner with USFWS

Tom Miewald is a Geographer with the US Fish and Wildlife Service and specializes in mapping and modeling spatial aspects of wildlife for applied conservation planning problems. Currently, Mr. Miewalds' focus is on providing decision support for the wildlife refuge system across multiple spatial...