Candidate Areas for Riparian Restoration

Jul 19, 2021 (Last modified Aug 5, 2021)
Riparian Wildfire Risk Reduction Candidates are based on intersecting Open-space Wildfire Risk Reduction Priority with creeks and rivers. Riparian quality was not included. Hence, some of these high priority candidate areas will have great riparian habitat and are therefore not a restoration priority.

Also depicted are reference layers like Community Wildfire Protection Plan boundaries.

Healthy riparian corridors are natural fire breaks, with well watered vegetation acting to catch and extinguish embers and dampen fire advancement. Unhealthy riparian corridors choked with non-native vegetation can have the opposite effect, acting as conduits for fire entering into WUI areas adjacent to development. A comprehensive assessment of watersheds in Goleta, prepared by the Environmental Defense Center, recommended a suite of restoration efforts to reduce fire risks. Specific recommendations for the following key project areas are contained in this assessment: Glen Annie/Tecolotito Creek Watershed, Los Carneros Creek Watershed, Devereux Creek Watershed, Maria Ygnacio Creek Watershed, Las Vegas Creek Watershed, San Jose Creek Watershed, San Antonio Creek, Tecolote Creek Watershed, Bell Canyon Creek Watershed, Atascadero Creek Watershed. These recommendations should be prioritized and implemented as soon as funding opportunities and capacity are available. Some of these watersheds are next to areas that are considered vulnerable populations. The nexus between high risk areas and vulnerable portions of these creeks should be a consideration for how to prioritize creeks for restoration.
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CBI, McGinnis Environmental, LegacyWorks
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