Probability of Monarch Occurrence

Jul 15, 2016
Uploaded by Dan Lambert
Prediction from the best-fitting MaxEnt model for the probability of occurrence of the overall Asclepius (monarch butterfly) distribution across North, Central, and parts of South America.
Data Provided By:
Nathan Lemoine
Content date:
not specified
Lemoine, N. 2015. Climate Change May Alter Breeding Ground Distributions of Eastern Migratory Monarchs (Danaus plexippus) via Range Expansion of Asclepias Host Plants. PLoS ONE 10 (2).
Spatial Resolution:
14 km
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not specified
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not specified
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About the Uploader

Dan Lambert
Ecologist with High Branch Conservation Services

I am a wildlife ecologist and conservation project leader with expertise in research, monitoring, and stewardship of vulnerable species and habitats.My work focuses on developing science-based, collaborative approaches to conservation challenges from coastal wetlands to mountain forests. I have led...