Potential Wolf Habitat, California, Logistic Regression

Jun 9, 2016
Uploaded by Kristen Boysen
Potential wolf habitat prediction in California, based a species distribution logistic regression model. Prey density and forest cover are used as independent variables. Further methodology can be found here: http://www.wolf-livestock.net/uploads/5/2/2/4/52242977/brendefendersfinalreport.pdf
Data Provided By:
CaDFW, Kristen Boysen, Sarah Antonelli, Charlie Piechowski, Mike Smith, Geoff, Willard, Bren School of Environmental Science and Management
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About the Uploader

Kristen Boysen
Student with Bren School of Environemental Science and Mngmt

I am at Master's Student at University of California, Santa Barbara, Bren School of Environmental Science & Management.