Ocean Disposal Sites

Feb 17, 2021
Map service depicting Ocean Disposal Sites found in the OceanReports tool. Historically, ocean disposal sites did include hazardous materials. Today, the vast majority of materials disposed of in the ocean is uncontaminated sediment (dredged material) removed from our nation’s waterways to support a network of coastal ports and harbors for commercial, transportation, national defense, and recreational purposes. Ocean disposal requires a permit issued by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers or the Environmental Protection Agency and only in designated disposal sites that meet certain environmental criteria. Disposal activities may temporarily affect water quality (for example, increasing turbidity and total suspended solids), affecting nearby offshore activities sensitive to changes in water quality. Please refer to the following for more details and definitions regarding Ocean Disposal Sites: the Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act and Electronic Code of Federal Regulations.
Data Provided By:
NOAA Office for Coastal Management
Map Service URL:
Content date:
not specified
Contact Organization:
NOAA Office for Coastal Management (NOAA/OCM)

2234 South Hobson Ave
Charleston, SC 29405-2413
Contact Person(s):
not specified
Use Constraints:
Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
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FGDC Standard Metadata XML
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Dataset Type:
External Map Service (ArcGIS)
Bookmarked by 1 Group

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Conservation Biology Institute

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