Predictive model of the number of Warbling Vireo adult captures
expected during the operation of a standard Monitoring Avian
Productivity and Survivorship (MAPS) station (
). EBird observations (all historical records, May-Jul inclusive) were
superimposed upon the predictive model for visual validation of
predictions (yellow dots).
Warbling Vireo AHY predictive model states that more adult
individuals are captured at higher elevations, lower latitudes, and associated with high percent forest
cover at 90m resolution.
Bozdogan's ICOMP information complexity index selected the following model
Warbling Vireo - VizBand/Land AIC Model Selection Created: 17-May-2011
Warbling Vireo annual capture rate of adult (ADULT) individuals (log transformed) ranged between -0.303 and +2.567 with a mean value of +1.132 and a median value of +1.118.
Model 1 (3 parameters)
Warbling Vireo annual capture rate of adult (ADULT) individuals (log transformed) was a function of:
a) GTOPO30_AL (+0.27585) - elevation (m), ranged between +4.956 and +8.505 (95% CL) with a mean value of +6.731 and a median value of +7.104,
b) DEC_LAT (-0.01863) - degrees latitude, ranged between +38.128 and +49.076 (95% CL) with a mean value of +43.602 and a median value of +42.665,
c) NLCD06AF90P (+0.06483) - percent all forest cover, 90m-resolution(3x aggregation of 30m-resolution), ranged between -1.896 and +5.845 (95% CL) with a mean value of +1.975 and a median value of +2.494.
This model included data from 84 stations, explained 27 percent of the variation, and was statistically significant at a level of P<0.00000.
s per station year