Solar Energy Zones (SEZ) & BLM Variance Areas, as defined by the Solar Energy Development Programmatic EIS (PEIS).
These data were downloaded from the
Solar Energy Development PEIS Website on 11/25/2013 and clipped to the DRECP study area.
Source: of included datasets:
1) Solar Energy Zone (SEZ)This dataset approximates areas available for utility-grade solar energy
development under the Solar Energy Zone Alternative of the Solar Energy
Development Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (PEIS). Refer to the
Solar Energy Development PEIS for more details.
2) BLM Variance AreasTo accommodate the flexibility described in BLM’s program
objectives, the program alternative allows for responsible utility-scale solar
development outside of SEZs. The BLM proposes to identify lands outside of
proposed exclusion areas and SEZs as variance areas for utility-scale solar
energy development. Variance areas would be open to application but would require
developers to adhere to the proposed variance process (detailed in Section of this Final Solar PEIS). Variances may be needed in the near term
because the lands identified as SEZs might be insufficient to accommodate
demand for utility-scale solar development or may not have access to
adequate transmission capacity to facilitate such development. In addition, there
might be market, technological, or site-specific factors that make a project
appropriate in a non-SEZ area. (Source:
Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (PEIS) for Solar Energy Development in Six Southwestern States, Executive Summary)
For questions regarding these data or the Solar Energy
Development PEIS, please refer to the final solar PEIS at, or contact the Bureau of Land Management.