Summary: This is the highest levels of the regular EEMS model for restoration priority (with the PReP branch).
Details: The Fire Recovery and Community Science Program uses the Environmental Evaluation Modeling System (EEMS) to highlight the 180 m square areas on the landscape most in need of restoration efforts.
To do this, the observations made by community scientists and botanic garden staff were processed into populations and combined with other data in a spatial overlay multi-criteria model.
The EEMS Model is split into two public facing models, this one, and one that has all the details for each invasive species.
The highest level criteria for this are:
To view the EEMS model graphical user interface, click the layer on in the table of contents, then click with the EEMS icon in it, and then click the icon.
To see the paper and technical appendix (with logic models) for this project, refer to the homepage linked from the beginning of this description and/or contact the authors.
[Internal version: 9.6.7]
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