Conservation Rankings for the Okanagan Region by SOSCP/OCCP

Sep 7, 2016
Uploaded by Jen Watkins
The goal of the report  Keeping Nature in Our Future was to create a a biodiversity conservation strategy for the Okanagan region (British Columbia) as articulated by the authors. The conservation ranking spatial layers are one thematic layer created.

The conservation rankings maps show the relative importance of various ecosystems in the region. The rankings are based on the provincial Conservation Framework and local sensitive ecosystem priorites.

“Sensitive ecosystems” refer to natural areas that are relatively unmodified, ecologically fragile, and/or recognized as being at risk in the provincial landscape. This may be due to their limited natural
occurrence, combined with loss or degradationon from human acvies. Four classes of conservationon ranking are used: very high, high, moderate, and low importance. 

The conservation analysis and strategies contained within the report were developed through collaborative and consultative processes led by the South Okanagan Similkameen Conservaon Program (SOSCP) and the Okanagan Collaborave Conservaon Program (OCCP). These umbrella organizations represent more than 80 partners and countless parparticipants working to achieve conservation goals across the three regional districts covering the North, Central, and South Okanagan and Similkameen areas. 

The Region consists of: the South Okanagan-Similkameen Regional District (RDOS), the Regional District of the Central Okanagan (RDCO) and the Regional District of the North Okanagan (RDNO). It includes drainages flowing into the Okanagan River, and the portions of the Similkameen, Kettle and Shuswap Rivers that lie within the regional districts. 
Data Provided By:
South Okanagan Similkameen Conservation Program (SOSCP); Okanagan Collaborative Conservation Program (OCCP); Caslys Consulting
Content date:
not specified
Keeping Nature in Our Future. 2014. South Okanagan Similkameen Conservation Program (SOSCP); Okanagan Collaborative Conservation Program (OCCP); Caslys Consulting
Contact Organization:
South Okanagan Similkameen Conservation Program (SOSCP); Okanagan Collaborative Conservation Program (OCCP)
Contact Person(s):
not specified
Use Constraints:
Creative Commons LicenseThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
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About the Uploader

Jen Watkins
Conservation Associate with Conservation Northwest

I began working with Conservation Northwest in 2001 as part of the outreach team for The Cascades Conservation Partnership focused on purchasing and protecting the checkerboard lands of Washington's Central Cascades to maintain connectivity between the North and South Cascades. I have continued to...