Central Africa: Forest Fragmentation by Roads (excluding roads)

May 13, 2010
This dataset depicts forest fragmentation in central Africa by roads (excluding roads). This study, or Pilot Analysis of Global Ecosystems (PAGE), examines forest ecosystems of the world using a large collection of spatial and temporal data. This study analyzes datasets at the global, national, and subnational levels, and draws on published and unpublished scientific studies. It develops selected indicators that describe the condition of the world's forests, where condition is defined as the current and future capacity of forests to provide the full range of goods and services that humans need and consume.
Data Provided By:
World Resources Institute
Content date:
not specified
Title: Central Africa: Forest Fragmentation by Roads (excluding roads)
Credits: World Resources Institute
Publication Date: 1999
Publisher: World Resources Institute
Online Linkages: Other Citation Info: Emily Matthews, Richard Payne, Mark Rohweder, and Siobhan Murray, Pilot Analysis of Global Ecosystems: Forest Ecosystems, World Resources Institute, Washington D.C. October 2000
Contact Organization:
World Resources Institute
Contact Person(s):
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Data set is not for use in litigation. While efforts have been made to ensure that these data are accurate and reliable within the state of the art, WRI, cannot assume liability for any damages, or misrepresentations, caused by any inaccuracies in the data, or as a result of the data to be used on a particular system. WRI makes no warranty, expressed or implied, nor does the fact of distribution constitute such a warranty.
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World Resources Institute
GIS Group

The World Resources Institute is a global environmental think tank that goes beyond research to put ideas into action. We work with governments, companies, and civil society to build solutions to urgent environmental challenges. WRI’s transformative ideas protect the earth and promote development...