American marten core use areas for Klamath region of CA and OR were
derived from the multiscale 5-predictor Maxent relative habitat
suitability model.
Areas with high burn severity
(2012-2015, MTBS) and clearcuts (2012-2014, LANDFIRE) post-model
vegetation data (GNN 2012) were converted to 0, then smoothed using the
focal mean with a 3 km2 circular moving window.
in the smoothed layer greater than or equal to the Maxent-provided
equal training sensitivity and specificity threshold (0.275) were
extracted and areas of open water (NHD Waterbody, reservoir (ftype =
436) and perennial lake/ponds (ftype = 390 except where fcode = 39001,
39005, AND 39006) removed, then converted to polygon.
Polygons with area < approximately 5 female home ranges (15.0 km2, Moriarity et. al. 2016) were removed.