
Nov 14, 2013 (Last modified Mar 5, 2014)
Uploaded by Emily Perkins

Acanthomintha ilicifolia Habitat Suitability in 2050 (RF_GFDL_2050):  predictive modelling using Random Forest (RF) with GFDL climate model (from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association’s Geophysical Fluid Dynamic Laboratory’s CM.2 model).  Higher values indicate higher habitat suitability.  Note that map represents a potential scenario only, based on underlying assumptions regarding future conditions.

Data Provided By:
Conlisk et al. 2012
Content date:
not specified
Conlisk, E., A.D. Syphard, J. Franklin, L. Flint, and H. Regan. 2013. Uncertainty in assessing the impacts of global change with coupled dynamic species distribution and population models. Global Change Biology 19:858-869.
Spatial Resolution:
100.0 (meter)
Contact Organization:
not specified
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not specified
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Creative Commons LicenseThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
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Downloaded by 1 Member
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About the Uploader

Emily Perkins
with U.S. Geological Survey

I work with the San Diego Management and Monitoring Program in San Diego focusing on mapping of covered species and habitat.