Mammal Habitat Suitability Index

Sep 23, 2016 (Last modified Apr 18, 2017)
Habitat suitability for mammals in Santa Barbara County, California.

This data is a synthesis of all mammal habitat suitability rankings that are known to occur within the Santa Barbara County area. The individual habitat suitability rankings that make up this final output were produced by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife using the program BioView to extract standard habitat suitability rankings for all species within the mammal taxonomic group (167 species total).

The suitability rankings are the California Wildlife Habitat Relationship (CWHR) expert opinion suitability ranking for reproduction, cover, and feeding (0.33 for low suitability, 0.66 for medium suitability and 1.0 for high suitability) and the arithmetic and geometric means of these three numbers are given. This produces an output for each species that ranges from 0-1 on this map and have been added together or stacked to show the aggregate habitat suitability for mammals. This aggregate value was then normalized by dividing each value by the maximum possible suitability value for mammals of 33.73. This produces a final habitat suitability value ranging between 0-1.

Description of individual species habitat suitability values:
CWHR Predicted Habitat Suitability. These datasets show areas of suitable habitat within the species ranges based on California Wildlife Habitat Relationships (CWHR 2016) and a statewide best-available vegetation map (FVEG2015, FRAP 2015). Habitat suitability ranks of Low (≤0.33), Medium (0.34-0.66), and High (>66%) suitability are based on the mean expert opinion suitability value for each habitat type for breeding, foraging, and cover.

Please note that the data is represented in raster format with a pixel size of 30 meters. In the case of species that rely on habitat types that are difficult to map at this scale, such as riparian or wetland habitat types, the amount of representative habitat may be underestimated or inacurately mapped due to aggregation into pixels with a majority type not used by the species.

Areas classified as "urban" have been removed from this dataset.

For more information on the CWHR program please visit CDFW's site California Wildlife Habitat Relationships, or read this document on the program here
Data Provided By:
California Department of Fish and Wildlife
Content date:
not specified
Contact Organization:
Conservation Biology Institute
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