EEZ Pacific

Jul 5, 2017
Uploaded by Frank Pendleton

Maritime limits for the United States are measured from the U.S. baseline, recognized as the low-water line along the coast as marked on NOAA's nautical charts in accordance with the articles of the Law of the Sea. The baseline and related maritime limits are reviewed and approved by the interagency U.S. Baseline Committee. The primary purpose of this dataset is to update the official depiction of these maritime limits and boundaries on NOAA's nautical charts. The Office of Coast Survey depicts on its nautical charts the territorial sea (12 nautical miles), contiguous zone (24nm), and exclusive economic zone (200nm, plus maritime boundaries with adjacent/opposite countries).

U.S. maritime limits are ambulatory and subject to revision based on accretion or erosion of the charted low water line. To ensure you are up-to-date and for more information about U.S. Maritime Limits and Boundaries, see

For the full FGDC metadata record, see

Coordinates for the US/Canada international boundary, on land and through the Great Lakes, are managed by the International Boundary Commission. These boundaries are included with this dataset for continuity.

Data Provided By:
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), National Ocean Service (NOS), Office of Coast Survey (OCS)
Content date:
not specified
Contact Organization:
not specified
Contact Person(s):
not specified
Use Constraints:
NOT FOR LEGAL USE. These limits and boundaries were created for internal purposes only to update the charted maritime limits and maritime boundaries on NOAA charts. These limits and boundaries do not represent the official depiction. For official depiction, please see NOAA's paper or raster nautical charts.
Layer Type:
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FGDC Standard Metadata XML
Click here to see the full FGDC XML file that was created in Data Basin for this layer.
Original Metadata XML
Click here to see the full XML file that was originally uploaded with this layer.
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Dataset Type:
Layer Package
Downloaded by 2 Members
Bookmarked by 1 Group
Included in 1 Public Map

About the Uploader

Frank Pendleton
GIS Analyst with BOEM

GIS Analyst for Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM)