Humpback Whale Critical Habitat, Central America DPS

Aug 18, 2021
Critical habitat for the Central America DPS includes all marine waters within the designated areas: (1) Washington. The nearshore boundary is defined by the 50-meter (m) isobath, and the offshore boundary is defined by the 1,200-m isobath relative to MLLW. Critical habitat also includes waters within the U.S. portion of the Strait of Juan de Fuca to an eastern boundary line at Angeles Point at 123 33' W. (2) Oregon. The nearshore boundary is defined by the 50-m isobath. The offshore boundary is defined by the 1,200-m isobath relative to MLLW; except, in areas off Oregon south of 42 10', the offshore boundary is defined by the 2,000-m isobath. (3) California. The nearshore boundary is defined by the 50-m isobath relative to MLLW except, from 38 40' N to 36 00' N, the nearshore boundary is defined by the 15-m isobath relative to MLLW; and from 36 00' N to 34 30' N, the nearshore boundary is defined by the 30-m isobath relative to MLLW. North of 40 20' N, the offshore boundary of the critical habitat is defined by a line corresponding to the 2,000-m isobath, and from 40 20' N to 38 40' N, the offshore boundary is defined by the 3,000-m isobath. From 38 40' N southward, the remaining areas have an offshore boundary defined by a line corresponding to the 3,700-m isobath. Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (e.g., ferry docks, sea plane facilities) and the land on which they rest within the critical habitat boundaries as indicated in the final rule. Critical habitat does not include the following particular areas owned or controlled by the Department of Defense, or designated for its use, where they overlap with the critical habitat: (1) Pursuant to ESA section 4(a)(3)(B), all areas subject to the Naval Base Ventura County, Point Mugu, CA, and the Naval Outlying Field, San Nicolas Island, CA approved Integrated Natural Resource Management Plans (INRMPs); (2) Pursuant to ESA section 4(b)(2), the Quinault Range Site (QRS) with an additional 10-km buffer that extends along the southern edge of the QRS and along the northern edge of the QRS except in areas past 10-km into the Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary. Where appropriate, horizontal boundaries were drawn along latitude lines and vertical boundaries were drawn along longitude lines. Boundaries were chosen so as not to split previously recognized biologically important areas (BIAs). Etopo bathymetry data were used to define inner and outer depth boundaries. These data should not be used for enforcement or navigation.
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NOAA Fisheries
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NOAA Fisheries
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