Oil and Gas Well Bottom locations

Jun 19, 2014 (Last modified Feb 27, 2017)
Uploaded by Tim Burkhart
This data is for representation purposes only. The Oil & Gas Commission assumes neither responsibility for inconsistencies or inaccuracies in the data nor liability for any damages of any type arising from errors or ommissions. 

Oil and Gas Well Bottom locations for British Columbia BC Albers, NAD 83 Projection Updated Daily For a description of well status as shown in the MODE_CODE, FLUID_TYPE and OPS_TYPE attributes, please see the document WellCodes.doc. 

Data is collected digitally through the Electronic Petroleum Application Spatial Submission system (ePass). For a complete listing of the collected Well Site attribute types, see the ePass Submission Standards document: ftp://www.ogc.gov.bc.ca/outgoing/OGC_Data/ePASS_Documents/ePASS_Standards_Requirements.pdf
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BC Oil & Gas Commission
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Downloaded by 4 Members
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About the Uploader

Tim Burkhart
Graduate Student/Intern with University of Northern British Columbia

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