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Level 1 of the Global Lakes and Wetlands Database (GLWD) comprises the
shoreline polygons of the largest lakes (area >= 50 square km) and
reservoirs (storage capacity >= 0.5 cubic km) worldwide, including
extensive attribute data.
Data Provided By:
Bernhard Lehner,World Wildlife Fund US
Content date:
not specified
Title: Global Lakes and Wetlands Database - Level 1 (large lakes and reservoirs) Credits: Bernhard Lehner,World Wildlife Fund US Publication Date: July 2004 Online Linkages:
Other Citation Info: Lehner, B. and Doell, P. (2004): Development and validation of a global database of lakes, reservoirs and wetlands. Journal of Hydrology 296/1-4: 1-22.
Restricted to non-commercial scientific, conservation and educational purposes.
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