This dataset is composed of 6th-field Hydrologic Units (HUC6 watersheds)
in Washington State. Attributes describe the presence or absence of
threats to groundwater quality in each HUC. Threats include: 1.) known
groundwater contamination by nutrients, pesticides, or industrial
chemicals; 2.) indicators of nutrient threats (including agricultural
and urban fertilizers, septic systems, Underground Injection Control
(UIC) sites associated with nutrients, and Confined Animal Feeding
Operations (CAFOs); 3.) indicators of pesticide threats (agricultural
and urban pesticide use); and 4.) indicators of industrial contaminant
threats (including UICs associated with chemical contaminants, hazardous
waste spill sites, Leaking Underground Storage Tanks, and specific land
uses that may pose a threat to groundwater quality). Each HUC6 is
attributed for presence of a particular threat if it meets the criteria
described in the report cited below and briefly listed in the attributes
section of this metadata.
This dataset is part of a larger groundwater project across the Pacific
NW (Brown et al. 2009) region which has two primary goals: (1) develop
tools to identify where and how groundwater is important to biodiversity
conservation and (2) assess the pressing threats to the quantity and
quality of that groundwater and develop strategies to abate those
threats. Data and analyses conducted are intended for use at a statewide
scale. Therefore, more detailed mapping may be necessary at local
scales. For more information please contact the Oregon or Washington
Field Offices of The Nature Conservancy or see the following website Washington and Oregon were mapped
separately using similar methods.
Note: the number displayed in the legend on Data Basin refers to the
number of total industrial contaminant risk factors or total nitrate
risk factors (whichever is higher) present in each respective HUC6. For
example, an HUC6 with 4 industrial contaminant risk factors but only 1
nitrate risk factor would still be classified as a "4." There
were 5 total nitrate risk factors and 4 total industrial contaminant
risk factors included in this dataset.