India Protected Areas (Points)

Jan 17, 2013
This map shows over 520 point locations for protected areas in India, which includes national parks, wildlife sanctuaries and biosphere reserves.

Point locations for protected areas are linked to biodiversity data from possible sources. It also gives information on administrative units such as districts and states. The data attached to the map provides information available on birds, mammals, reptiles, fish, amphibians and plants species found in a particular protected area. Currently, the information is available for protected areas within Western Ghats (IIPA, 1998; Arekal, 2003; Management Plans, Karnataka Forest Department) and will be updated as per data availability.


Arekal, A.S., 2003. Revised Management Plan for Kudremukh National Park (2003 - 2013). Karnataka Forest Department. Arekal, A.S., 2003. Revised Management Plan for Someshwara Wildlife Sanctuary (2003 - 2013). Karnataka Forest Department. Indian Institute of Public Administration,1998. Directory of National Parks and Sanctuaries in Karnataka. By Lal, R., Kothari, A. ,Pande, P., Singh,S. (Edt). Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi. Karnataka Forest Department. 2005. Management Plan for Brahmagiri Wildlife Sanctuary (2005 - 2010). Prepared by Deputy Commissioner of Forests, Hunsur; Karnataka. Karnataka Forest Department, 2006, Management Plan for Pushpagiri Wildlife Sanctuary (2006 - 2011). Prepared by Wildlife sub-division, Madikeri, Karnataka. Karnataka Forest Department, 2006, Management Plan for Talacauvery Wildlife Sanctuary (2006-2011). Prepared by Wildlife Sub-division, Madikeri, Karnataka.

Downloaded from India Biodiversity Portal on January 17th, 2013
Data Provided By:
Nikhil Lele, ATREE
Content date:
not specified
Contact Organization:
India Biodiversity Portal
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