Percent change in biomass consumed by fire for years 2050-2099 versus 1950-1999 simulated using the MC1 model with CSIRO Mk3.0 climate projections under the A2 anthropogenic emission scenario at a half degree spatial grain over the globe.

Aug 2, 2011
Dataset was used in a scientifically peer-reviewed publication

This is aggregated results from a run of the MC1 model (MC1_GLOBAL version). The GCM data were downscaled to a half degree grid resolution using an anomaly approach. The baseline historical data was based on CRU TS 2.0 climate.  For this map percent change was calculated as:

(((Future – Historical)/Historical)*100)

Where Future is the average value for 2050-2099 and Historical is the average value for 1950-1999.

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Data Provided By:
PNW Research Station
Content date:
not specified
Gonzalez Patrick, Ronald P. Neilson, James M. Lenihan, and Raymond J. Drapek. 2010. Global patterns in the vulnerability of ecosystems to vegetation shifts due to climate change. Global Ecology and Biogeography, (Global Ecol. Biogeogr.) (2010) 19, 755–768.
Spatial Resolution:
0.5 (degree)
Contact Organization:
PNW Research Station
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